EMAIL LIST - Join Evocatio - A Conjure Oils Communique - our email list and stay up to date on our latest madcap mayhem and chicanery. Simply enter your email address in the box below. We swear on a stack of non-religious texts that we will never sell or share your information with anyone. Nor will we will ever spam you. We hate it just as much as you do! Pinky swear!

By offering only the finest fragrance and anointing oils for all your magickal and aesthetic needs we are dedicated to providing you with wonderfully fragrant old-fashioned, hand-blended remedies designed to redeem all sorts of saints & sinners! Our products are compounded to be exceptionally potent and extremely powerful - a little goes a long way! Without a doubt, these are perfect potions to get love, get money, get even... or to simply smell gorgeous!
This site is large and can be intimidating and/or confusing the first couple of visits! Here are a few tricks on how to get the most out of your Conjure Oils experience without losing your mind!
By clicking on any of the headings listed on the navigation bar (e.g. Mythos, Miss Victoria, Newfangled Notions, etc.)
you will be transported to the corresponding perfume or product collection. There you will be able to browse the scent descriptions and add or remove items to your cart. By using the same navigation bar on all our pages, it's easier to work your way down from Current Conjurations to Forum and not miss a thing!
It's helpful if you browse this site with something to write with and on. Quill and parchment, ballpoint pen and journal, or pencil stub and napkin - it all works! Jot down the name of the perfume that strikes your fancy and the name of the collection it belongs in. That way, compiling your order when the time comes will be a snap!
There are reviews of our perfumes and other items in the Conjure County forum. Please feel free to drop by, say hello, read and write your own reviews as well!
Please be aware that our turn around time can take up to 21 - 28 business days! Sometimes even longer during holidays!! The clock starts ticking from the day you place your order. Please understand that you're not ordering from a big box store with inventory gathering dust on the shelves. You are ordering the best and this takes time! EVERYTHING at Conjure Oils is made by hand: our perfumes are hand-blended to order, the labels are designed, made and printed in house, we hand wrap each and every package before it's sent out to you. Even the spiritual oils are individually blessed! This is a labor of love and the whole massive undertaking is done by only one woman with the help of her husband. And because of this, please note that we do not offer refunds of any sort, accept returns, nor do we cancel orders once they have been placed! It's a complete nightmare - it wastes time, resources and product, not to mention the ultimate dwindling resource - my sanity! If you have a question regarding your order feel free to call or write any time and I'll get back to you within 72 hours (we have two young children, so nothing happens quickly around here except cooking and changing dirty butts.)

Things With a Good Smell Will Keep You Safe From Hell! Or maybe send you there!
Site updated 20 NOVEMBER 2019

All content 2007 - Present © Conjure Oils
In the immortal words of Hothead Paisan -
"Do not fuck with our shit without permission!"

"The world is on fire
And you are here to stay and burn with me
Our funeral pyre
And we are here to revel forever more"
-"Deus in Absentia"
Ghost, album "Meliora"
"Sometimes I dream where all the other people dance..."
-"Charlotte Sometimes"
The Cure
"But one is always alone, for there are very few with whom to find companionship, and because one is strange, one is hated."
-Lilith LeFay Morgan in
"Moon Magic" by Dion Fortune
Tell me the correct answer to how these three quotes are connected and you will receive a 5ml of your choice! Email me at madv at conjureoils d com Good Luck!